Sebastian Muszalski

Software Developer

Welcome to my home page.

Hey, I'm glad that you found my website.
Its purpose is to present myself as Software Developer and to present my development skills in back-end and front-end application development. I hope that you will like this page, and if you will be interested in exchange knowledge or have some propositions or suggestions, feel free to contact with me.

All contact forms You can find in contact section.

About me

self photo

My name is Sebastian, I'm 32 and since I was born I live in Poland in Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Development is my passion since I was 20yo, and I've started my adventure with C and C++ during my studies on University of Gdansk in the field of IT with specialization in Algorithms and Data Structures. When I finished studies I started to work as IT Administrator to gather better knowledge in computer and network architecture and administration.

For the past two years I develop application in Java with frameworks. Recently I have also finished Software Development Academy's "Java from scratch" course and currently I am participating in CodersCamp's front-end course. I am also working with few friends on application to help menage stock exchange and predict changes of quotes, which also gives me good opportunity to work with other people on one project and expand my knowledge in development.

In my free time, if I am not writing another lines of code I enjoy spending time on one of my hobbies (more details You can find in after hours section).

My skills

Spring Boot
JUnit 5

My projects

Marvel's Legendary: The Deck Building Game

This project is one of my first Java projects. Idea of this project born, when with few friends we wanted to play Marvel's Legendary: The Deck Building Game by Upper Deck.

If we wanted to play just one game, it was fun, but when we got to prepare game for another round, there was quite annoying splitting up all decks, pick few of them in random, and shuffle it again. This generates some problems, like weak shuffled deck, almost no randomness in drawn cards, so game could be extremly easy or hard.

This application main purpose was to allow players to split decks around table and use use only these decks that are picked by application. It also controls game flow, by showing which card should be drawn next from each deck.

You can find code of this application in my GitHub repository.

WimB - Where is my Book?!

Have you ever have to look for one of your books, but couldn't find it anywhere? Or maybe you borrowed it to someone? Well it happens few times in my life.

I decided to create this application, to help any user to keep track of their books. User can add their books and friends to application, so he can bind his friend to borrowed book with date of borrowing.

This is still early access version, but in time it will became full grown application, possible with mobile app.

You can find code of this application in my GitHub repository.


Recently I have joined to Arcade IT Facebook group. There I have found myself a team, where we are decided to create application, which allow user to buy, sell and check current status of quotes on Stock Exchange and manage thier investments.

My friend and me are responsible for create back-end API, which gets data from Stock, convert them and send in easier to read objects.

You can find code of this application in my team's GitHub repository.

Business Card

This is my business card. Effects of my work you can see on your own eyes right now. Idea of this project was to create my own online business card, where I can present myself and my skills to world wide community. Also this is first project of CodersCamp's 6th edition of front-end course.

As for my plans for further development of this page, perhaps I will add some blog sections, where I can add posts about new projects, some ideas or something related to my hobbies.

You can find code of my business card in my GitHub repository.

More comming soon

After hours

In my free time I really enjoy fold paper to create some kind of shapes or models

guitar playing

Quite often I can spend a lot of hours playing on one of my guitars

When the weather is good I like to spend on some outdoor activities, like cycling, running or kayaking

board games

At least once per month I organize board-games sessions with my friends, sometimes we can spend on this whole weekend


If you wish to contact with me, send me a message to the one of following:

or you can use this contact form:

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